Source Elements "On The Mic"

S1 x Ep5: On The Mic with Serge De Marre - Part1

Source Elements Season 1 Episode 5

“Source Elements…On the Mic”- Season 1 - Ep5

In this episode we meet Flemish voice actor Ser-jaye De Marr-a from Budapest. I put him on the spot in “What’s Your Source” and we discover mutual love for Trevor Noah and Dutch biscuits, and we share our experiences of working with Phil Collins. Look out for the infamous mention of the “thingy thing”.

We discuss Serge’s radio DJ origins, the public’s perception of a voice actor and the interplay between sensitivity and critique.

Source Elements “On the Mic”.
Quite frankly its rude not to… THE audio and remote working global podcast!

End of ep5
Make sure you stay well connected. Treat your headphones to the latest opinion from ‘around the lobe’.

Hear more Sergestions (oooo sorry) from Budapesht in the next episode (number 6) of Source Elements “On The Mic”.  THE global remote working  & totally puntastic podcast!